5 Minute Read + Scripture readings

Today’s Bible Reading:

Genesis 13
Matthew 12
Nehemiah 2
Acts 12

Today’s Bible Verse(s):

“… So I prayed to the God of the heavens”
Nehemiah 2:4 (CSB)

Reflections on Today’s Bible Verse(s):

The theme of prayer is on virtually every page of the Old Testament book of Nehemiah and the New Testament book of Acts.

In Nehemiah, the massive task of rebuilding the Jerusalem walls was before Nehemiah. So, as he assessed what needed to be done and then went about the work, he prayed. Often!

In Acts, the massive task of getting the Gospel from Jerusalem to the nations was before the disciples. So, as they assessed what needed to be done and then went about the work, they prayed. Often!

So, what happened as a result of their prayers?

Nehemiah 2:8 (CSB): “…The king granted my requests, for the gracious hand of my God was on me.”

Acts 12:24 (CSB): “But the word of God flourished and multiplied.”

Friend, you and I have the same resource. We have the same ability to pray. And, in response to our prayers, God may choose to do some wonderful things in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

If you are battling with discouragement today, why not find a quiet place and spend some time praying. Let God know what is on your heart. He wants to hear from you. And as you passionately pray, God might be moved to answer your requests.

The task of building the Jerusalem wall seemed hopeless. But as Nehemiah determined to do something about it, and as he spent much time praying, God did a miraculous work.

The task of spreading the Gospel to a world that persecuted Jesus-followers seemed hopeless. But as the disciples determined to do something about it, and as they spent much time praying, God did a miraculous work.

Listen to God’s voice. Hear Him calling you to prayer. Hear Him whispering to you, saying that He may do some incredible things in your life if you will simply pray as Nehemiah and the disciples did.

For the Jesus-follower, no situation is hopeless – at least as long as the Jesus-follower engages in the powerful activity of prayer. Will you spend time in prayer today? I sure hope you will.

* * * * * * * * * *

Lord Jesus, thank You for making it possible for my prayers to be heard in Heaven. Further, thank You for making them pleasing before the Father. I pray that I would never lose hope but would realize that prayer is the gift you have given to me so that I can accomplish the tasks You have for me. May I spend much time in prayer with You today and maybe even see You do some special things in response to my prayers. Amen.


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