3 Minute Read

Prepare Your Heart

To the best of your ability, get rid of all distractions. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and quiet yourself in the Lord’s presence. Then, ask the Lord to speak to you in this time. Let Him know that you will listen and make whatever adjustments He will reveal to you.

Read God’s Word

Leviticus 7-8
Matthew 27:1-26

A Verse for Today

Slowly and reflectively read the following verse(s) and listen to what God will say to you through His written Word. Consider writing down any insights He reveals to you.

Matthew 27:3–5 (CSB): “Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, was full of remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. ‘I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,’ he said. ‘What’s that to us?’ they said. ‘See to it yourself!’ So he threw the silver into the temple and departed. Then he went and hanged himself.”

Reflecting on God’s Word

Here, we read of Judas’ self-murder. Judas killed himself. Even though it was the man who betrayed Jesus to His death, it is always a travesty when someone takes their own life.

Typically, someone arrives at that point when they believe that the current moment is unspeakably painful. Maybe there is a medical problem, and they are in immense physical pain. Maybe there is emotional trauma. Whatever the pain, it is intense and real. And when the hurting person looks into the future, they believe that the pain will not go away and may even get worse. Suicide is the way that some people believe they can end the pain.

If you know someone who is showing signs of wanting to end their life, please get them help! I was suicidal back in my early 20s and was convinced that life would not get better. I wrote about it, and you can read it here: “On Understanding Depression and Suicidal Thoughts.”

I can see now how irrational my experience of inner turmoil was. I’m so glad that I had a few people who stepped in to help!

There is a national helpline for people who are contemplating suicide. While it is not a Christian ministry, I believe that they can provide the necessary help in the moment. Please keep this information handy and be prepared to give it to someone who may need it.

Call: 988

But realize that people don’t simply need a phone number. It may help in the heat of the moment. But what people genuinely need is someone to listen to and empathize with them, who will thoughtfully remind them of God’s love and a better future He has for them. Be ready to encourage, and do so substantively.

There will always be people around us who are struggling. Some may struggle so much that they don’t think they can continue. Please be God’s hands and feet as you minister to them in Jesus’ Name.

Spend Time in Prayer

Lord Jesus, I pray for anyone who may read this who is struggling with life right now. I pray that they would realize and believe that You are a God of love who wants to help them through this. I pray that they would seek the help they need from someone who can listen to them, provide encouragement, and give them instructions on how to get to a better emotional place. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Going Deeper

If you want to go deeper, check out this article by Got Questions: “Why should I not commit suicide?”


Matt Ellis is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Polk City, Florida (fbcpolkcity.com).

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay